[MEA Spoilers] Your least favorite parts of Andromeda (no positivity allowed)

For me it’s the story

*Overreliance on exposition and narration.
*Failed to establish a plausible reason to leave Milky Way. (The original reason to leave…not the third party reason) *Plausible reason for Ark crashing (all those computers and not one has collision warning) *What qualifies anyone to be a Pathfinder? Nothing apparently. (And before you say it, the person with the chip could assist the Pathfinder) *Jesus SAM…just once say, “sorry Pathfinder, I am unable….” *Yeah…that’s why you strap in when entering the atmosphere. *No reason for father to die and no one recovered the body but all know he is dead? (poor attempt to hide a surprise return) *Lack of emotion for father dying – and before you say they weren’t close it was still your father…how about feelings of regret, resentment or any emotion typical with emotional neglect from a parent. *No weapons on the Tempest…come on. Did you really think there would be zero threats. *Companions exactly the same as previous game. (Come on…the Asari had to be an archeologist, little sister issues. They didn’t even try to be different) *“We got this”, will never be a thing. *Villain monologing while using James Bond techniques to kill Ryder *Ship crashing right before cliff. (seriously, we have not seen this a 1000x already) *Kadara - Sloane vs Reyes should have been the best story in the game but was over just as it got good. Would have been good for several games. *I have an Omni-tool but have to go to the ship for email or to make a call

/r/masseffect Thread