Least favorite missions? (Contains Spoilers!)

ME1 * Feros — It’s boring and I don’t like the parts in the Mako

ME2 * Overlord — I hate Archer and the whole story is too melodramatic. * Lair of the Shadow Broker — Has nothing to do with the Reapers and is another chance for the writers/developers to highlight their favorite Mary Sue.

ME3 * Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons — The lore was cool the first time. Now it’s such a pain in the ass to play through, but you have to complete it if you want peace between the Geth and Quarians. * Priority Earth — Let’s increase the challenge by just throw a bunch of banshees and brutes at the player. * About all of the missions that take place on a multiplayer map.

/r/masseffect Thread