Men of Reddit, what is a time you've felt creeped out by a woman?

Man, I've had a few of em.

On a morning run, a woman stopped her car and started making small talk with me. It was dark, no streetlights. I had no idea who this person was, and I had no idea why she wanted to talk to me. She asked me things like where I was going, why I thought I needed to run, where I lived...

I didn't tell her much and eventually she just drove off. I was completely unnerved by it...kept looking over my shoulder on the way back and changed my route up after...

In basic training, too...I went to a co-ed basic, one day I had KP and was more or less sexually assaulted by a woman acting like a cat in heat. She seemed to get off on how uncomfortable I was...

She started just by talking to me about my girlfriend and how serious we are. This was in a corner of the kitchen area where no one else was, I was refilling dishwasher soap basically behind a giant machine. Then she got handsy...turned around and pressed herself into my was really freakin weird.

What's odd is that, writing these out, I can't help but think "What if the sexes were reversed?" I mean, I describe this stuff as weird and bizarre, but if I were a woman and a man were doing these things, I'd personally even think of it in much more severe terms than "weird" and "bizarre".

/r/AskReddit Thread