"Merry Xmas Everybody"

Nope, that’s definitely not the only reason. One commenter said he only uses cheap phone and he was confused as to why people bought expensive phones for kids. He said he doesn’t have kids and he’s never around kids, so that area isn’t exactly his expertise. The commenter who talked about himself teaching middle schoolers in pretty low income area mentioned his job and how much people earn in that area, which provides us with a lot of information. If I said ”kids like Pepsi better than Coke” and I don’t tell you which kids I’m talking about then it doesn’t really mean anything. Am I talking about my own 2 kids? Am I talking about high schoolers? Am I talking about 5 year olds? There’s no way of knowing.

By letting us know that it’s specifically middle schoolers in low income areas, we know who he’s talking about. Why is this important? Because it’s likely that he doesn’t have a lot of information about kids of other age groups / social standing. It wouldn’t make sense for him to assume that all kids are the same in every area, so he narrowed it down and let us know which specific kids he’s talking about.

All children may cherish their phones: how would anyone know that if they’re never around kids? This teacher might not have kids and he’s only around these particular middle schoolers. It makes perfect sense for him to specifically mention the age and income of a group he’s talking about.

You’re reaching.

/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it