Messi still doesn't pass to Griezmann when he's clearly in a better position

Unpopular opinion: Messi's decision making has not been at the top level during final third for the past 3-4 years (maybe even since before that). His lack of skill in decision making was just masked by Suárez (or another striker such as Villa) being here because then his decision making would pretty much sum up to: "I see Suarez? I pass to Suárez.". And like the killer striker Suárez was, he would almost always convert the chances. At other times, Messi would convert the chances himself.

Without Suárez masking the poor decision making during the final third, his lack of skill in this department it's showing very clearly.

And I repeat, IN THE FINAL THIRD. When he's around the middle of the field (in the second third), he often makes good decisions. But in the final third, not so much.

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