Mianite Family Tree

Just food for thought here... I think Dianite and Ianite had a relationship and here's why:

1) Dianite kidnapped Ianite and had her as a prisoner for a long time.

2) He's the god of pleasure, so its logical he would take advantage of her situation and either rape her or just have sex with her.

3) The book containing the REAL history of the gods (not the fake one,) mentions that Ianite cried the loss of her brother Dianite - why would she cry over the loss of someone who basically kidnapped her and made her suffer? Was it an actual kidnap or is there something else implied here? Incest? Love-hate relationship?

4) Ianite was weak and fading when she was rescued, so why was Dianite so concerned about her escape in the first place? Gods can't kill each other but he could have very well sent an assassin to take care of her while she was weak. Why didn't he? Its like he preferred to keep her out of the scene, rather than outright kill her. But later on he started changing his attitude to aggressive. Did he found out she was pregnant and decided to silence her up, afraid it would reveal they had an incestuous relationship?

Here's a fun fact for you: The whole Mianite trio-godhood is based on greek mythology. Mianite is Zeus, Dianite is Hades and Ianite is Persephone. Anyone who studied greek mythology can tell you that the whole pantheon was riddled with incestuous relationships up to the roof.

Hades(Dianite) is the god-king of the Underworld (Nether) and he he always had a rivalry with Zeus, his brother, (Mianite) over who would get the ultimate rulership of the Cosmos. Hades also kidnapped Persephone (Ianite), queen of the Underworld (End world) and made her his consort / lover. See the connection?

The Mianite story ins't a true copy-paste of the Greek Pantheon though so expect some twists and turns... but so far it looks like a plausible theory with strong connections.

/r/TheRealmOfMianite Thread Link - imgur.com