In addition to being accused of sexual abuse by ZombiUnicorn, Syndicate has now been accused of rape by Kaitlin Witcher (Piddleass)

people speak up in waves after having realisations that

  • they're not alone with their situations

  • they've been exposed to trauma

  • they can speak up about it

so most important thing is that we don't silence those who come forward w accusations

false accusations are an issue but they're not one which has "happened to so many people"; there are still so many people that haven't faced any consequences for their behaviour

it's not smth that has come out of nowhere, so do listen to the accusations first before you set forth an ill-thought concern about "what if it's false" - it's not a blind belief; it's trusting those you know and not defending everything that might inconvenience you

i know it's badly written i'm just tired of the sealioning and dismissal in online communities

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