Michael Keaton passed on Batman Forever because the script “sucked”

Saying "let's be honest" implies an objective point of view, when there is none. There is only each of our subjective opinions.

I found Superman's sadness reasonable, considering the position the people of Earth have put him in. He only does good and spends a large portion of his life saving lives, and yet is still an entirely divisive figure. The worries that him and his parents had ever since Man of Steel had come true. He is a hunted outcast, labeled a monster by some, and deemed immoral by others. But he his still doing good and still searches for ways to help humanity. I've already explained my position on Batman killing, and we'll simply have to disagree. A large portion of the film is not concerned with mentions of anything but the immediate stories of Luthor, Clark, Bruce, and Lois. Only in the third act are major intonations and references not directly affecting the story really added. The moment where Bruce decides not to kill Clark is perfectly fine with me, as the film had the moment make sense within context.

I disagree with all of those opinions, and a lot of people who didn't enjoy the film as much as me mention the score as being notably fantastic.

What fourty-five minutes cut would make the film more cohesive? Because all of the plots work in tandem and culminate evenly. I don't think they would have made a more coherent story out of it, which was your major issue in the first place. Cutting an additional fourty-five minutes out of it would have displaced so much context and so many characters, that it would have landed up nearly indecipherable due to--again--Snyder intending it to be a three-hour story.

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