MIL lied to my husband about me leaving him.

Just piping in as a former addict. Never say "never." For your own sake. By all means, fight like hell and hold on tight, but keep in mind that when you're dealing with an addict, you could potentially find yourself dealing with a chemical rather than a person. And if, God forbid, it comes to that, you're going to have to do what's right for yourself.

Compassion helps, and only you know your limits. But if the spiral goes too deep, sometimes the best thing for both of you is to remove yourself from the situation. You don't have to be shitty or mean. If you're bound and determined to help, it's better to be available as an anchor during moments of clarity. Which is really damned hard to do if you're following them down the spiral.

It doesn't sound like it's at or even close to that point now. But, again, as a former addict, I'm urging you to keep in mind that addiction is complicated and that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.