Millennials: Unfortunately, they entered the game of Monopoly near the end. When one person has all of the money, properties, houses, and hotels, and playing is no fun anymore.

It also serves to represent that Gen-X was the first generation in which a global catastrophe or global war was not relevant to the naming convention.

The greatest generation had the WWI, Great Depression and then WWII, the silent generation had post-WWII, the red scare, and the cold war. The baby boomers were the children of the Greatest Generation and had Vietnam. Gen-X saw.... undeclared military conflict, the winding down of the cold war, the 80s and 90s, cocaine. There really wasn't a generational defining incident in all of that. A lot of big things happened, but nothing like the previous generations. And the same was happening to Millenials, we were originally called Gen-Y because no one had a name for us yet. And it wasn't until most of us were already adults that we started to be called Millenials.

Gen-Y is now in the same process. They're still kids, we haven't gotten to retrospect yet. Gen-Y might not even be the name we associate with them in 30 years. It's just a placeholder, just like it was for Millenials, just like it was for Gen-X except it actually stuck for Gen-X.

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