Millions of people globally on welfare based on psychiatry saying they are 'sick'

"Alleged" mass killings? Are you kidding me? I've been to the killing fields displays. So utterly offensive to the dead. To even claim for a second that someone who started a Marx inspired egalitarian revolution was a capitalist is just ridiculous. You need to stop reading materials only produced by Marxists about the topic. Clearly those who support Marx have every incentive in the world to claim that every horror of perpetrated by regimes that most people consider to be led by Communist dictators, were 'not real communists', no true scotsman. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether David Miscavige, the current leader of the Scientology cult is running his version of the cult completely according to what L Ron Hubbard said, it doesn't matter if there are people who read the bible who say Westboro Baptist church is a warping of the intentions of what is written in the bible, and it doesn't matter if there are people who say that the 20th century communist regimes weren't really communist, we can see, that all three things are inspired by their original misguided ideas.

'Personally used' is total bullshit, what are you gonna have? no cities? people aren't allowed to leave and visit some place else because now they are 'not using' the land? 'non-exploitative' is an opinion, it's just an opinion, it's not an objective fact, who's to say who is 'exploiting'? Anyway, the world works on what majorities believe, a majority has already decided that the existing land and property arrangements are just fine, I wouldn't waste a second of your life whining about it, 'anarchists' are just dreaming, and they are not dreaming of anything particularly nice, just a dream in which they get to enforce their opinion of what is 'exploiting' on others.

And the "guaranteed income" per person could end up being far less than what's spent on every so-called "mentally ill" person.

Like I said, do you honestly think, having lived I don't know how long, viewing the behavior of the free-shit brigade (people who want money from government), that we live in a political climate where there wouldn't be massive pressure to provide MORE than the 'basic stolen taxpayers slave money/basic income' to the so-called 'disabled'? They would of course argue that the 'disabled' need more free shit than the non-disabled. The claim that violently taking massively more time (tax) from workers and their employers and handing out welfare to everybody would reduce costs....

But then you've got to remember, I don't want any criminal gang called a state stealing money and spending it on anything but a very few things, so I don't really care about 'reducing costs'.

People who voluntarily get involved in psychiatry are dupes, the people violently forced are the ones who need to be freed, that's a human rights struggle that has very little to do welfare. I don't want a cent spent by any government on psychiatry, government and psychiatry should be separated like any religion and state should be separated, in terms of minor reductions in costs, even if that were possible? who cares? government costs are just going to increase in some other area. The tax-time slavery will eventually increase to maybe 6 months of the year, with a few more decades of the free-shit brigade voting for more free shit for themselves, if a 'basic income' was brought about by the free-shit brigade they'd just vote themselves an increase every time they could.

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