The mind cannot hope to withstand such an assault

A few things that would definitely help for you to take note of. I mean no offense by any of this, but just think about it for a bit.

How exactly are you helping transgendered people out in any way here. You debating with random people on some random meme post on some random subreddit is doing very little in the way of fixing transphobia or helping out actual trans people.

There are countries where trans people are put to death, there are parents who kick their kids out just for thinking they're trans, people are shunned or hated or beaten just for being different.

Arguing in the comments of some obscure meme post in a random subreddit doesn't fix any of that. A trans woman being beaten to death in another country doesn't take comfort in you arguing on a meme post. Some homeless teenage trans boy living in the streets doesn't have a place to live just because you argued on a meme post. No actual transgendered person experiencing real transphobia or actively being harmed or mistreated is in any way being helped here.

I get that you want to rid the world of transphobia, I get that you want to make a difference and help innocent people who suffer just for being different, that's all honorable and respectable. But this isn't helping, you are not helping here.

You could help people so much more by actually going out and trying to make a difference in the world, not by debating with randoms on a completely harmless meme post.

This meme post is completely harmless, and I know a few people on this subreddit are transgendered and this isn't oppressing them. Likewise I'm friends with some transgendered people in real life, and none of them are being oppressed by this meme.

Someone being kicked out of their home by their parents just for being transgendered is a lot worse than some guy making a harmless joke on a subreddit. So please, go out and try to solve real problems in the real world, wasting your time on some random subreddit does not solve any actual problems, it doesn't help with oppression of any sort, doesn't get rid of transphobia, it does quite literally nothing but waste your time and the time of the people arguing with you.

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