Mindset of a booming player

he was my flank in a oasis and i asked him if i should go boom or scouts and he said goo boom. At the moment the archers were in his i already droped tcs so i wasnt going to stop my boom, i made a mango few kts when the enemy pocket was making army and still managed to get a imp time at 31 with a good eco and killing all the enemy army) We end up wining bc the enemy flank was super all in and i killed all his army before getting arbalest.

Next game it was arabia and he picked cumans, he told me like min 6 or 7 he was going to feudal boom bc he "is the pocket" so i was like "really dude?", thank god my map wasnt that bad ) My account was under elo and i managed to do damage to enemy flank and hold the enemy scouts with my 2x range opening, i reached castle age before him , he reached it like min 24 and procced to produce knights and have them guarding his base when nobody was attacking him.

Good lord i hated him so much. We were underelo and we won bc of that but if it was a similar skill matchup i was going to straight insult him.

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