Failure to condemn transphobia, anti-semitism, etc

Thanks for answering man.

Sure, it wasn't something I felt was ok but I'm experienced enough as a streamer to know that creating conversation surrounding something so negative just makes the issue snowball, and I moved on to the match.

You think saying even this much on the stream would have caused the issue to snowball? On the stream I got the vague feeling that you didn't even find it bad per say; I'm not going to recheck the stream right now so I might remember this wrong, but, I recall you said something along that "as a player I might find it offensive" or something like that, suggesting that it's not offensive to you when you aren't actually playing versus metal.

Then OP decided to mention in chat that I should have have more of a negative reaction to given text from the player, which I responded to and then ofcourse my entire chat started discussing things I was hoping to avoid in the first place.

Your chat discussed most of it and you asked the chat to not discuss it before I commented. That actually prompted my comment, because I felt that in a sense your chosen route was passive acceptance.

OP never said a word to me privately about this before this thread.

Yeah, I didn't think that would be helpful in any way. If e.g. you apologized to me and said that you understood my concern, that wouldn't actually help with the problem I have. My problem being passive acceptance of the sort of behavior referred to here.

I obviously don't condone what was said.

Yet you don't want to say that either when live in front of +1000 viewers. Telling we don't condone something when that something already happened and we're later addressing a smaller audience is practically no different from just not saying it at all.

I can't respect your chosen methodology here, but I can accept it, and clearly it's not something that was e.g. violating Twitch rules. You have your way, I simply hope that other casters and event organizers will have a more strict approach. What goes to myself, I don't want to support any person who isn't willing to publicly condone this sort of stuff, and I feel a little bit bad for having already supported you for as much as I have.

But anyway, thanks for taking the time to answer and being fair and honest in presenting your own viewpoint on the subject!

/r/aoe2 Thread Parent