My experience with breaking 1200 DE ELO

Alright first you are disagreeing and now you say you are just exaggerating and agreeing?.

My point was that players at your level do not nail their build orders. Not even close to a pretty good degree. It's why they are at that elo. I also said that low elo people like to overestimate their abilities. Which most likely means they exaggerate as well.

Okay, first of all, "perfectly" was clear hyperbole.

Like you are admitting. Now what happens if you just say: I suck, my build order sucks, everything sucks it's why even though I improved, on the scale between bad and good I am still at the pretty bad side. Logically the next step is to ask how do I improve it? What is a good build order? How do you execute a good build order? Notice how that step isn't reached yet.

But you are right. I'm an asshole, who is annoyed at the average low elo player. They're always so confident but you could literally kill them with just spearmen or mass petards.

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