Mod of /r/SJWHate tries to confront racist comments. It's not going well.

I'm not even going to talk about reddit because we can all see what goes on here. I can get into more specifics if you'd like but really what I was mainly venting about was the situation that occurred in my life earlier today. The girl I'm seeing is really into to her feminist group meeting every week, cool, I've been a few times they seem mostly for equality even if they have some crazy among the ranks being entertained that seem to support what you'd guess was reddit style trolling but they actually believe it. I have ZERO problem with any group supporting and fighting for equality. Well they recently found out a guy one of her friends knows formed a real life Men's rights group and where it meets, I actually end up going to check it out, and surprisingly not all crazy from my perspective and no redpillesque ideology was talked about, a lot of the guys who spoke seemed all for equality, just wanted some issues men experience to be heard. The only person who I heard speak while I was there that seemed in anyway really antifeminist was one of the guys who was in charge of setting it up, and generally gave off the I've been handed stuff in life asshole vibe. Every other speakers sentiment didn't appear to align with his. This was last week and then today comes around I was hanging out with the girl I'm seeing and a few of her friends, it got brought up about the men's rights group and I told them I had checked it out purely based to see what it was, well I told them what I saw and heard there, but I did share the one guy seemed to have some messed up views on women and seemed rather antifeminist but also explained that wasn't the overall impression I got from the people there. Well her response and what she proposed to the group we were with was to try to publicly discredit him and in turn the group, even if it took making up blatant lies, while they wouldn't get him in prison, they could potentially ruin his life. A few of the other people there actually were supporting her idea, to my obvious dismay. Thankfully some more rational minds spoke up and convinced most of them the idea of doing that was ridiculous, and hopefully they won't follow through. But the fact they were willing to even entertain the idea just because the guy is a bigoted, bothered me a lot. This is really why I think a lot of these movements should all speak up when people start to rally around ideas that overstep a pretty obvious line in my opinion, it's really hard to build a movement up but letting things like her slander idea go unchecked if implemented and exposed could have determinate effects to credibility even for rational arguements, the goal should be to get more people on board not destroy those who don't see eye to eye or don't care. Sorry for the wall I just had to spill to someone, since it's probably somewhat inappropriate to rant to about to most people I socialize with in real life.

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