Things get heated in /r/justneckbeardthings about whether the insult "Small Dick Energy" is body shaming

So, if someone is acting like their insecure about something (dick size), it's okay to make fun of that thing (dick size)?

While I generally agree with what you're saying (in this thread in general, that is), you gotta know you're misrepresenting it there. The (thing) isn't what's being made fun of. It just isn't. It's the way they're acting that is the target of the joke. And like yeah, I agree that it does sort of vaguely create this connotation, and I'm firmly on the side of avoiding body shaming. But like you don't need to be quite so extra about it as to [I can only assume willfully] mis-frame it like that]

"Waaay-overly-concerned-about-dick-size energy" is really more what it should be. "Deeply insecure" and the other alternatives I've seen are close, but it's very specifically insecurity over ones masculinity, that is really where that jab is going. It has absolutely nothing to do with the actual size of anyone's dick, and like while sure I agree the phrase she used leaves itself open to the potential for hurtful misinterpretation; it's just like a bit weird how much people seem to only latch onto that one facet as the only possible message.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Parent