Mom! You're embarrassing me!

Anyone seeking more info might also check here:

title points age /r/ comnts
Lick. B 1829 4mos pics 20
Tigress and cub (x-post from /r/miniaww) B 535 1yr aww 5
Tiger licking her cub B 317 1yr hardcoreaww 6
A tiger licking her child (x-post from /r/pics) B 2161 1yr photoshopbattles 95
Mom, stahp B 2696 1yr aww 164
oh mom.. not in public.. B 74 2yrs aww 1
Lick. B 51 2yrs aww 1
"But Mom, you're making me look funny!" B 111 2yrs aww 1
Tiger Lick B 670 3yrs wallpapers 7
Tiger family B 30 25dys aww 0
Daaaaaaad! B 438 1yr pics 7
Cleaning Up B 885 3yrs aww 24
Mom! You're messing up my mane! B 17 4mos aww 3
Tiger Mother Licking Her Cub. Only 3,200 left remaining in the wild. (1920x1080) B 577 10mos AnimalPorn 18
Tiger Mother Licking Her Cub. There are 3,200 Tigers left living in the wild. (x-post r/aww) B 724 10mos Awwducational 12
Tiger Mother Licking Her Cub. There are only 3,000 Tigers left remaining in the wild. B 3421 10mos pics 266
Tiger and Her Embarrassed Cub [1920x1080] B 1283 1yr AnimalPorn 13
Priceless tiger moment B 1965 2yrs aww 47

Source: karmadecay (B = bigger)

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