Is it ok to stop someone when you see them harming?

Thanks for being so kind for your friend, really appreciate it. The following are based on my own experiences and personal standpoints. FYI they are not fully professional and could be used on everyone.

First, it has to depend on how close you are. If it's a really close friend, what warms me the most is to give me a hug, gently. (as I don't hate physical interaction with someone I'm familiar) Personally I'd stop what I'm doing (for the moment) and be really happy and grateful.

Yet please try to avoid phrases like 'stop now' 'stop what you are doing' etc in a demanding/rude way. This makes me feel extremely uncomfortable, ashamed and threatened. It is not possible to stop self-harm right away, since some use it as a coping mechanism, but showing love and support could somehow help. I still recommend you start a conversation (with their consent, and that they are willing and comfortable), and express you are always here and willing to listen to her.

/r/selfharm Thread