Monday Majlis | مجلسُ الإثنين بلِسانِ الفريقين في نبأ المشرقَين والمغربَين

Do people think they're owed a response when they make a comment on reddit? Like, I tend to make a few comments to get my point across then just leave. I honestly don't like engaging in endless conversation, because I don't think it leads anywhere. I don't like wasting my energy and I like to be mindful of getting dragged into endless discussions. Yet this seems to upset some people. Like they take it personally, or think that because I engaged them for a bit, somehow I need to commit?

This is true in real life as well. I've learnt how to choose my discussions, and even when I get into a discussion, I like to be mindful of it and only be engaged in it insofar as it's constructive and there's likely to be a positive outcome from it, eg. we learn something. Although I find that face-to-face conversations more conducive to that kind of thing.

Maybe people take their opinions too personally. Maybe they're offended that I think their opinions are not worth engaging with. Like yeah, I don't think your opinion is something I'd like to engage with, but you should be confident in it to not let that affect you.

/r/arabs Thread