Monday Mourning

The weekend was generally good. SD8 has had a runny nose (not stuffy, though) and a bit of a shallow cough this weekend (I think this may have been a result of sniffling and not blowing her nose more often than not) - it looks like seasonal allergies but who knows. She said she's been having this problem for weeks now. This weekend was particularly bad, but I think it's because we spent tons of time outside in the it's been windy, so all kinds of things are blowing around - pollen, dandelion seeds, etc.

SO was being a big-time coddler on Saturday (he was better Sunday). The kid said she was OK, and that she had no aches and pains, just an annoying runny nose and cough. She had her usual amount of high energy, and no sign of illness otherwise. But every damn time she would cough, he'd be like "are you ok? why are you coughing? are you all right? I wonder if you're sick."

She and I had talked about how we thought it was allergies, and she agreed to go to the store with me to get some kids' Benadryl. It's a "big deal" for her to agree to it because she hates taking medicine. She was fine. It was all she was talking about, but she was fine and convinced she wasn't sick.

Then after a few hours of her dad being up her ass, she asked him to check her temperature in case it was a fever (which he did - he takes her temperature for every complaint), and then started talking about fevers for the rest of the night.

The only reason this bothered me so much is because she gets serious anxiety around getting the point where just thinking she might be getting sick usually has her in tears. If she has a perfectly normal sneeze, she says "I'm OK" immediately, even if nobody asks. I had suggested to SO that we not fuss over her because it may make her anxiety worse, and he agreed - but then when SD was in the room, he'd start in with the "are you ok?" stuff every 2 minutes, and I could see her anxiety building up. I just felt bad for her. All she could talk about on Sat/Sun was minute by minute updates on how she was feeling.

Anyway, he was better on Sunday after I repeated my point about the fussing. Then SD was asking me how she would convince her mom that she just had allergies and wasn't sick, because her mom was definitely going to say she was sick.

Not a huge problem, but ayayaye. I feel for her that she is so preoccupied with this and that she's not feeling 100%. Hopefully she starts to feel better soon.

/r/stepparents Thread