"Rocket hits firmament" thoughts? Try not to google an explanation. Lets see if we can debunk the video, ignoring the obvious possibility that it may be fake.

OBE's are demonic/spiritually induced states of consciousness

mine was never demonically induced, I remember existing prior to birth, and with God's blessing. There were no demons there, and none when I OBE. Sucks for you if yours are demonically induced tho, must suck

It is also worth keeping in mind that F. Amadeo Giannini, author of the flat earth book Worlds Beyond the Poles: Physical Continuity of the Universe

A lot of these people are well poisoning, CIA shills. No surprise then. I wonder if he invites readers to see for themselves the way I do, I doubt it tho

Apparently, he saw something completely different from you...

Except I have met met others who have had OBE's and saw the same for me, at least 3 others, versus this 1 guy. ALso the invitation stands, teach yourself to OBE and see for yourself

/r/conspiracy Thread Parent Link - m.youtube.com