Moral support needed: Getting "bored" of relatively frugal lifestyle

Well OP, let me share my experience. Not a story with a clear cut ending, but it might help you in some way. I was/am in exactly the same boat as you, am in my thirties, been actively pursuing FI for about 5 years, decent job, live pretty frugally, I hardly spend money on myself, love cars. So earlier this year I rented a sports car for 3 days and I was sold, I wanted a really fast German car. I felt like I earned living a little and spending money on something I want. So I did my research and bought one, secondhand 7 years old model with 60k miles, $35k. The research I did consisted of good value (BHP) for money and a car that is known to be reliable and where the monthly depreciation is acceptable.

How I justified it for myself is that I wasn't going to spend any of my savings on this car (I could buy this car 6 times over from my savings), but I financed a large part of it (for low interest) and paying that out of my salary. I will pay the car off from my salary in about 3 years. It does significantly cut into my savings rate, but that's ok. I'm still saving and my investments generate profits as well. If I lose my job, the car goes pretty much immediately.

So yeah, the psychological trick is, I didn't cut into my savings to buy this car because that would hurt too much, but I bought it by lowering my savings rate for the coming 3 years, which seemed more acceptable. Although I love driving this car and it makes me feel great that I got it, it still hurts my frugal mind a bit how much this it actually costs in payments, insurance, gas etc. I decided I will drive this car for as long as possible, preferably 5 to 10 years, because that will mean the car will have been cheaper in the end. I'm also telling myself I will only repeat a purchase like this if I can afford it even more easily down the road (so significantly higher income or savings).

Conclusion: no idea. No regrets, but I do still agonize a bit over the costs and that's probably good. That means I'm still FI minded even though I spent a ton of money on a toy.

/r/financialindependence Thread