More NAS Questions (RAID, backups, etc.)

  1. Fair enough
  2. Look into AWS's S3/Google Cloud Storage if you're sure you'll never have to recover it (You'll be paying out your ass if you do, ~$0.12-$0.15/GB if memory recalls), if you're not willing to pay that much to recover and you're willing to risk it with a new service, try's C14 which is significantly cheaper. There are a few other proper backup services around (Pay-per-gig, such as Backblaze's B2), however I've never used them. If you want to "cheap out" and get a more fixed rate (Rather than per-GB pay-as-you-go), it may be worth simply buying multiple fixed-rate "Unlimited" providers and storing multiple copies of your data, such as Amazon Cloud Drive ($60/year), Google Drive ($50/month for unlimited, but you can buy less-than-official accounts off eBay for a small onetime payment (However they may expire at any time)), or (practically, $55/year for 10TB) OVH's Hubic.
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