Morning Roundtable - 7/08

My thoughts are that there are career officials in Washington with too much power to impact politics and they are doing whatever they can to embarrass Hillary. We have already spent way too much time looking into Hillary's emails, and this is now a runaway witch hunt. It's investigations into investigations into investigations. People are trying to criminalize public service and persecute civil servants who have done their jobs in good faith. Unfortunately this is the ultimate endgame in a Washington DC swimming in corruption. These are the death throes of dysfunction, when DC collapses in on itself unable to sustain the weight of the cess pit. Republicans and partisans are more interested in devoting their energies to made up scandals to win media attention and power than they are dedicated to serving the public good. The Clintons arent the heroes we deserve but they are the ones we need right now. They run because they can take it. Don't forget if this were Obama running again this whole hit machine would be aimed squarely at him. They seek to destroy anyone of any competence, because they thrive in chaos. These pols the paul ryans, Trey gowdy they are borne out of the chaos of the last decade, this us their natural environment, a super virus. I think we have just enough steadfast voters left that Hillary will win, but nothing is going to change unless the people take back power, support Hillary, support Dems, and just say enough to these destructive agents of nihilism.

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