Bigger ladies with small breasts, how do you feel about your breasts?

I'm below average in the boob department while having a "thick" body with broad shoulders and hips, and honestly, I like it. I can wear turtlenecks without making them look "in yo face", I can wear wide decolletées that still look classy, I never had a problem with blouses' buttons and I rock neckholders and suits. Basically, I can wear a lot of things that would draw too much attention on bigger boobs. And so can you. Your boobs will never force a gap in your blouses, you don't experience the back pain that tortures my busty best friend for life, you can sleep on your stomach and you don't knock your glass of your table on a regular basis.

Yes, you may not have an hourglass figure. Yes, you might not have all the fat distribued in the right places. In some places, it's too much for your liking, in others too little. Welcome aboard, have a drink on me. There are hundreds of thousands of us and they don't all die alone.

You only get this body. It's the only home you will ever have for sure. There are things you can't change and breast size (at least without surgery) is one of them. Head over to /r/bigboobproblems to see that the grass on the other side of the fence isn't any greener.

And instead of standing in front of a mirror and hating yourself all day, take all this energy you direct towards yourself and use it for something worthwhile.

Genetics gave you small boobs. And that's okay. You are a not less of a woman because of small boobs, you are not less of a person because you don't fit societal beauty standarts.

You are great the way you are. There are things you don't like about yourself, but another person might consider the exact things irresistable.

/r/AskWomen Thread