Most of this knowledge seems virtually impossible to use in practice.

Buridan's ass: It's not a choice of right/left. It's the three options of right, left, or stay where you are because you don't know which direction is the good one. The journey is about moving. Once you started moving, you can still change directions. Not moving because you don't know where to move is just an excuse.

I was (in a way, still am) just like you. Mildly autistic (mild as in people did not look at me like I'm a retard, they looked at me like I'm that weird wallflower who occasionally interjected their conversation with a nitpicky remark). I'm quite good looking, so every once in a while some girls were driven enough to pick me up, so I didn't stay virgin and had many LTRs. But if it were up to my seduction skills, I would have died a virgin.

But I decided to start on the journey you mentioned. It is a long journey, don't expect to get a couple tips that gets you laid after a couple of days of practice.

What I did to kick-start my journey is that I forced myself into situations where I had to interact with people. I went camping without toothpaste and shower gel, so I had to ask strangers for some. My autistic mind couldn't accept asking things that I already knew, so I made a habit of deliberately not checking directions to venues I didn't know so I had to ask for directions.

While the advice of /u/IronManSeduction is well intentioned and even sound in some cases, if you are anything like I was couple years ago, it wouldn't really work.

If you sit down to a girls' table at a coffee shop while feeling anxious and weird, you will make her feel anxious and weird. And it's hard for her to escape this situation (she would need to pack her stuff up, decide if she leaves her piping hot coffee behind or risk burning her mouth, etc), which makes it even worse. Instead, chat while both of you are standing at the counter. It has a natural escape route for her if she does not feel comfortable. And if the conversation goes well, you can still sit at her table.

The thing with direct openers like, "I think you're cute", it works if you are confident and charming (A hot guy told me I'm cute!). If you are generally anxious and weird, it will make her creeped out. It's just like how they love metaphors about their beauty and hate catcalling: both of them signals that "you are hot and I want to fuck you", yet one of them makes them wet, the other makes them creeped out.

What does "you are hot" means: I find you sexually appealing. It can work if you are demonstrating high value, it does not work if you are just an average frustrated guy being weird. Let's shift the topic a little, to specific articles of clothing (your shoes are cute), hair style (I love your frou-frou). It avoids the instant sexual vibe (which is risky), and highlights that a) you are observant (which is good), and complements not her natural gifts (nice bewbs!) but her sense of fashion, a deliberate choice she made that morning, her efforts while picking out clothes.

Also, it supposed to be an opener, so if you don't know what to say to her and go with "you are cute", there isn't too much follow up to that. With "your red shoes are cute. do they fly you home if you click their heels?" is a nice conversation starter about Wizard of Oz, and also shows that you have some education. Also, it metaphorically compares her to Judy Garland.

My advice is that you just go and fire up a light chat with anyone you bump into. Waiting in a line? Chat with the guy before you about the cute dog you saw just outside the shop. Someone reading a book on the train next to you? Ask them about the book. If you find that particular book stupid (50 shades of gray?! FFS), be open and try to figure out why they read it, you might just learn something.

Your aim should be to have a nice conversation in any situation. Once your social skills are good, you can follow up by stuff /u/IronManSeduction wrote. But, you need to be dedicated, it's a long process of learning.

/r/seduction Thread