I feel like I have missed the boat when it comes to dating. And once that ship has sailed, it is never coming back. What advice do you have?

It’ll certainly never come back if you choose to believe so. No sense in sugar coating the fact that starting later is disadvantageous, but it’s better than never starting at all. And 30 is hardly old. No point in telling girls that you’re a virgin, you’d be amazed at how many people with “experience” are still boring in bed. Everybody starts at “Point 0” somewhere in life, some people earlier and some a lot later.

First, look at what you can change about yourself and your situation. It could be your job, financial situation, etc. The point is, figure out what’s in your control, and then focus on that. It won’t happen overnight, but consistency and dedication to improvement will take you very far, in all aspects of life.

Reevaluate your mindset as well. If you continue to believe that the “ship has sailed” you will make that true for yourself. Look at it this way, you have very little skill and experience in this area which means you have the most to gain. So maybe you have missed out in your life so far; you still have decades to go. Especially when you say you feel you’ve missed out on life, I wonder what you mean. To me, there’s a lot more to life than just women. But I understand how when you’re in a position of no experience, that doesn’t seem likely. Visualize the life you want to live, and the person you want to be. Then do what you must to get there.

/r/seduction Thread