Gotta give him what he asked for

STILL. It's just not that big of a deal. I ended up with a locally "public" job in the city I live in when right when I got out of high school. I was doing part time IT work for this TV station and they ended up talking me into doing some random on air stuff. It was no big deal (SERIOUSLY) but of course you have trolls every where. They got my # and would use my pic and make Craigslist men for men posts and shit LOL. They made memes about me and tweeted them at the station and shit. And this was just them doing it "for fun". I was an IT guy. I wasn't expressing political views or anything haha. It was annoying, but it was hardly something to make a big deal about our even worse, KILL YOURSELF OVER.

I'm telling you, people like this chick have underlying mental problems, and I'm not trying to be mean by saying that. I saw some post that one of the actors from that Fox show "Prison Break" came across a post someone made making fun of him cause he had gained a lot of weight... And he said it absolutely devestated him and he considered suicide. SUICIDE BECAUSE SOME ONE CALLED HIM FAT. Smh. If he's serious, he probably should see a therapist about that, because that's not normal and it makes me concerned for him.

I started my own business and I've been working literally 20hr days for the last 8mo, with no time for gym or exercise. Last week, things finally started to stabilizer and I got back in the gym. I literally had 5 people comment on how fat over gotten... And ya know what? I laughed and agreed because it's fucking true!!! It's not a big deal... I didn't have time. Now I do, so I'm back to the gym everyday!

TL;DR: Trust me, she needed help. It's still not a big deal.

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