[effort] Hey, let's check out 2XC's Marissa Meyer thread. How bad can it be?

Yo, if anyone wants to see this attitude in action, just watch a presidential debate. Paraphrasing here:

Secretary Clinton, your husband's signing of NAFTA has led many to speculate that the ensuing flight of manufacturing jobs has caused the middle class to shrink and worsened wealth inequality. Would you regard this as a mistake?

Well, when you actually look at the data, manufacturing jobs were already out there door. Furthermore, manufacturing jobs represent a small portion of our economy. I think people tend to project economic woes such as the destruction of unions and widening income inequality onto our loss of manufacturing. In reality, there are other ways to help those who are suffering economically. Things like raising the minimum wage and strengthening unions, both of which I have specific plans to address.

"Mr. Trump, same question."

That's a great question. We've got to have jobs. We don't win anymore. China is taking our jobs. And secretary Clinton signing NAFTA was signing away our jobs. I am going to bring the jobs back. Big league. I'm going to make such great deals, we're going to be winning, winning, winning. We don't win anymore. We don't win anymore and we're being played like suckers. Secretary Clinton has had 30 years to fix this and she hasn't.

"Those are both very valid answers. Moving on."

/r/ShitRedditSays Thread Parent