Mtl anglos, would you stay or leave if Québec was to become independent ? Why ?

L'appel à l'émeute lancée par le propriétaire de la Gazette s'est terminé par l'incendie du Parlement et de la plus grande bibliothèque francophone en Amérique

Yeah. 166 years ago. That's the only case you can find. Bravo. And also, I guess that was in a vacuum right? There was no The Parti patriote, no Frères chasseurs then, right? And no rebellions going on anywhere in the world, not Spanish not Haiti, it was all peace and cookies except for the square heads and that bastard Gazette.

If you're not 167 years old this didn't happen to you.

Quelle malchance quand on considère que dans les années 1960 les Juifs du Québec suivaient les anglophones de près quand on comparait leurs revenus alors que les francophones étaient

Yeah! And the Pogroms they escaped from were in 1960s (!) You say I'm a revisionist and then say 'Dem Rich Jewws'.... I don't know why I'm even wasting time with you. You're hopeless. What I know from real life experience is what working class Jews were like so IDGAF about your victimology. And am sick of the stereotype.

à peine moins pauvres que les autochtones

Proof? That's a pretty tall order. You were poorer then les sauvages?

L'histoire du Québec ne se résume pas à Adrien Arcand.

I didn't say it did. But when you have a Nazi party don't be asking if anyone else has ever been "crystal nighted"

And just because the PM was also an anti semite don't tell me that means nobody in Quebec read Le Goglu or Le Combat National (hate the Gazette all you want. I hate it too, but come on, his papers were read by somebody.

Les révisionnistes et les négationnistes comme toi.

I'm a denier? FFS, There no way to heal your butthurt. Hope you heal from the pains of 1849.

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