[Music] Another Impromptu idea in Eb. Any thoughts and comments are appreciated, Hope you enjoy!

I have some thoughts and comments.

Yikes. Tough love time. I'm not gonna jerk you off here because music is a vicious game, especially modern classical music. You need to have much higher standards for what you put out there.

Your playing is sloppy, you use too much peddle and catch dissonances you don't intend too. You pull and push at the tempo while you think about where to go with no real care or mastery. You straight up vanilla ice a secondary theme of rachmoninov's 3rd concerto starting at about 1:36. You don't have anything original to say? Also there is at least one unintended parallel interval forbidden by the style you are writing in between 2:30 and 3:00. Can you find it? Why is your counterpoint so sloppy? I think you need to drill on counterpoint and also do exercises on pedaling until you have complete control over that muddy sound you are getting.

You obviously have a bit of talent, but you need a lot more practice before you go putting your face and name to shit like this. Can you imagine if the first thing horowitz put out was youtube videos of himself taking a theme from another composer and improvising poorly over it? It's ok to put stuff like this out there. Take your name off of it, your face off of it, and let it be anonymous. You only want things that are perfect and inspired associated with your face and name. And this is far far from perfect or inspired. Insofar as it's good, it's good because the rach 3 is good.

That's not to say you aren't talented. If you weren't talented I wouldn't bother. It's because you are a bit talented you need to understand how important it is in the musical world you're operating in to only put out stuff that is perfect with your face and name. Start an anonymous youtube channel and film it with just your hands. You want to be able to keep your name away from your student works when you move on from music school. And work much harder, and become much more of a perfectionist, if you want to actually be good instead of just hear people who are easily impressed tell you you are good. If you want that, get a puppy.

That's the other thing. How come you didn't notice you ripped off the theme from rach 3 or the voice leading errors or the pedaling and tempo problems? Can't you listen critically to your own performance? Everyone who is actually good (and I'm not even that good, compared to the real talents) will have all the exact same thoughts I had when they hear your piece, but only a few will tell you. The rest will just write you off.

Your talented enough to be told to keep working, but you have a lot of work to do and need to think about how you can't take back your student work if you put your name and face on them.

/r/composer Thread Link - youtube.com