My (30F) boyfriend (35M) are moving in together after 6 months.

There are some really serious red flags here.While I hate to rain on your parade, these are not good indicators:

I haven’t had an experience like this before and this will be my first time living with someone.

You have never lived with anyone, so have little to no idea of how sharing space with another person changes your life. Worse still, you are doing it with a serious power imbalance. While your guy might have taken a new job, he is still not contributing as an equal. I would be very surprised if, in such a young relationship, you have had meaningful conversations about the big four: Religion, Politics, Children, and Money.

This was a hard thing for him to accept as he has been very independent in the past and has never accepted help before

Being unable to accept help when you need it doesn't make you strong or capable or dependable. Frankly, in my experience, those that can not ask for help tend to be those that bury problems until they are unsolvable by all but the most drastic means.

He doesn’t have any toxic behaviors

That you know of. I have been with my with for 15 years and we both are still finding things that we do that annoy the other person. Perhaps not toxic but after 6 months, you barely know this guy.

My parents and friends are very supportive of the move

Good for them. They aren't the ones that will need to live with them.

feel a pressure now that we can’t wait another month

Nothing like feeling pressured into a decision to help you make a consider choice.

It does just feel “soon”

Probably because it is.

Most of this is just my opinion. However, I can speak from very personal experience. When I met my wife, I went from living the bachelor life to moving to a new country in the space of six months. Similarly to your guy, I was in a terrible financial position at the start and ,if I am honest, the debt of obligation is a terrible weight to bear in the relationship. I am surprised that we survived through that and recognise that my wife's tenacity and some rare circumstance are the only reason we are still together today.

/r/relationships Thread