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One of the big problems why american healthcare is even more expensive then it should be is because the insurance companies want it cheaper since they send the hospital patients but the hospitals need to make a profit.

So american hospitals just massively inflate prices so that they can give insurance companies a huge discount while still making money of them. And those inflated prices are unpayable for an average person.

And even with insurance some things (sometimes entire hospitals) aren't even covert so you have to pay that price even with insurance

In europe many hospitals are paid by the governments so the government forces them to not overcharge even people that don't have insurance. Therefor private hospitals can't afford to overcharge to much since else noone would go to them. Of course that means every european pays a little more taxes.

In the usa it is often cheaper to fly to europe for some minor treatment then to go to their own hospitals but for many that seems to be acceptable because their healthcare is built in a way so that they don't pay a cent as long as they don't need it (but it may ruin them in case they need it).

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