To my fellow gold leaguers

It all depends on how you say it. When I see someone making a fundamentally stupid mistake, at first I'll make it sound like a tip. May be a little snarky depending on the magnitude of said mistake, but it will still be a friendly tip. If said person refuses to listen and keeps ignoring the advice, I'll start with assigning blame. There is absolutely no problem with assigning blame when the blame is well deserved. And thirdly, upon seeing no change again, I'll start hurling insults, because enough is enough and I need to unwind. I have a large patience cap, larger than most players I seem to be matched with, as most of my teammates usually resolve straight to insults, which usually causes a player who may yet be saved with simple advice to give up altogether. But even my patience runs out eventually.

Thing is, the frustration is caused by the fact that some people inexplicably reach Gold without knowing the very fundamental rules of HotS, or any MOBA for that matter. If people like that end up in Gold, pray tell, who the hell is playing in Bronze and Silver?

/r/heroesofthestorm Thread