My female physiotherapist turns me on. Light, but still insight needed

Thank you for taking the time to give me your insight. I appriate that, since I'm pondering again a lot and getting no where.

You are absolutely right. These are my thoughts as well and it is good to get it as a straight reminder (haha) from another person.

These are the reasons I would never do anything. It is awkward already. I can't tell anybody. I won't tell my husband, since it would just be to get it off of my chest and would bother him for nothing. I don't want him to worry every time I go to PT. I can't tell my friends. It's everything, because it is already a little unfaithful, because she is a woman and because she is a physical therapist.

I already feel a little pervy, yet I'm too week to change the therapist and frankly I don't want to.

Maybe that's why I need to confess. I know it is not exactly right, what is going on and it is like playing with fire, since I can say for sure, I wouldn't make a move, but I can't say for sure, how I would react, if she would make the next move. Still I stay in the situation.

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