My fiancé (32M) got violent with me (28F) for the first time. We are supposed to be getting married this month

Deciding whether to stay or go is a really big decision that you probably won’t be able to make today. Today, you gotta figure out if you feel safe. Do you want to stay there today/tonight? Even if you do or you think it’s safe to, I think he should be shown that this isn’t okay. I think you should leave. Okay, where will you go? If you had to pick 3 ppl, who can you trust with what happened? Even if you don’t think it’ll happen again, the more ppl that know the better likely they will know what happened if you show up with bruises one day and they can get you help. Wow… if today is possible could there be a next time? Are you willing to take that risk?

/r/relationship_advice Thread