My girlfriend (surgery resident) is an absolute nightmare to medical students. How can I talk to her about this?

TBH man, I work in a hospital and I do the admin for people like you GF and her registrars / juniors.

She's not wrong, she might be going about it meanly though. In my place, people let everything slide. They miss parts of the plan and a patient falls through the cracks, forgotten. They fake some bullshit apology note.

People are "urgently referred" and the junior doctor doesn't bother to send that letter for 3 weeks, literally because they cannot be bothered. How the fuck is that urgent in any way? How does that show any form of patient care?

She is right, but she is being mean.

It's possible she is like this because she is in a male dominant workplace? It could be a power thing. Most of our high doctors are male, and the few women we have are pretty cold in my opinion. Work place politics and respect.

If you never see it, she's never mean to you, family, friends, doesn't impact your relationship, what she does at work really shouldn't matter. She doesn't bring it home.

I don't go to work to make friends, I go to do my job, and when you're surrounded by incompetent fucks who can't spell their name right but apparently can be doctors, it's frustrating.

/r/medicalschool Thread