I just came across my favorite professor's private Twitter account by accident

We are all allowed to have our political opinions.

Honestly, the OP doesn't provide us much insight into what his political opinions actually are. The only thing given is a list of vague buzzwords that could mean anything.

pro life

This is literally 47% of the country lol, it's not some fringe far-right opinion. And there's a spectrum. Is he advocating for bombing abortion centers and killing abortion doctors, or is he just saying "I think abortion is wrong"? Yes there's a difference.

LGBT rights opponent

What does this mean? Again, there's a spectrum. Is he saying individuals shouldn't be offered transition surgery until they're 18, or advocating for a return to 17th century Puritanical England where homosexuality was punishable by castration?


what does this mean? Four more years of what? I've never heard this slogan before.

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