My god, watching Kiara's stream of fire emble is infuriating

Wait did you come here and make this post after the first like less than 15 minutes of the stream? ughh

she talks all the time and don't pay attention to anything

Yeah she might miss out on a few info that flesh out the characters, but saying she doesn't pay attention to anything is just straight up blasphemy. She's interacting with her viewers WHILE listening to the dialogues mind you.

She doesn't shut up for a minute, talking about nutela while important scenes for characterization are happening

Pre-chat was having fun memeing around with the nutella* topic because she was having some for brunch, so she made time to join in the fun during the convo. She entertained us and was having fun herself doing so, that's why we watch her.

So yeah, her RPG contents are not for you, your opinion is heard, but this post is just one big negative Nancy holding hands with cynical Cindy. Also stop caring so much about stupid internet points Mr Vent Acc.

/r/Hololive Thread