cmv: If you are born a man, you cannot become a woman, and vice versa.

My brother: I’m trans!

Our mother: I support you! Buuuut I’m actively going to misgender and deadname you for eternity, plus I’m going to deny that your distress is valid when you bring it up because I just don’t get it.

Other people: You’re a lunatic! I haven’t experienced this thing so obviously nobody else can. It’s not a bad thing to cause you distress because you’re sub-human in my eyes, I just won’t say that to your face in case cancel culture comes for me. I’m going to harass you in the bathroom because you don’t look like what I expect the stereotypical [gender] to look like. I’m going to ask a bunch of invasive questions about your genitals and sex life and then act surprised when that offends you because “I’m just curious, jeez.” I will not let you forget that I think your existence is invalid and that you’re stark mad.

Everybody: Wow, I wonder why people like [brother] attempt suicide. It’s a total mystery as to why anxiety and depression may be so prevalent among trans people. It’s such a shame we couldn’t do more for them before it was too late.

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