My husband (28M) wants a vasectomy to prevent pregnancy making my (26F) condition worse. His family think we should have bio kids at the expense of my health.

Respectfully, if my MD has signed off and is actually encouraging me to go for it (she has been my MD since my accident, which resulted in multiple broken bones, herniated discs and a dislocated joint), my specialist has signed off and told me to go for it, after many, multiple tests, I will take their educated advice. Thank you for your input though.

Even you, for all of your arguing with me say:

If I had known that having kids was going to advance my condition (I wasn't aware of it at the time) I honestly probably wouldn't have done it.

Not, I 10000% would NOT have done it. You probably wouldn't have. So why condemn someone else for not ruling it out?

Also, one of the best fathers in the world that I know is in a wheelchair. As the result of a life changing accident. Should his wife not have had their child because of a drunk driver? (They did IVF after he became paralyzed) He certainly can't go to rides at Disneyland. He can't pick their child up when child falls. It doesn't make him any less of a fantastic father. Btw, his wife was 42 when she had their child. They are trying for #2 right now. Because..well..accident + surgery + rehab + surgery 2&3 + saving for IVF = 42

And lastly, yes, the chances for special needs children go up. For Down Syndrome, from under 1% at age 25 to 3.6% at 45. Yes, that is say...1000% increase. But it is also better than 96% of no Down. And there is a nice easy blood test you can take to rule that out, no more Amnio. Yes, I know. Autism. ADHD. etc. Again, gonna defer to my actual medical doctors, who gave me the green light.

Life is a craps shoot. You make the best of what you're given. And I intend to live mine to the fullest. There are no guarantees in any of this. :)

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