Myrtle Beach is Trashy Mecca.

Traitors. Southerners are only American because the South was forced to join the Union. All of the Southerners I’ve ever talked to are still nostalgic for the Confederacy and the Antebellum even after all this time. Their disordered passion for the confederacy along with their conservative and destructive “values” should have been sent straight to hell once and for all along with the traitor confederate flag. Every step of the way progress in this country has been an uphill battle because of them and they have consistently voted in conservative politicians that have destroyed this country with every chance. And behind it all is that same confederate mentality. To hell with their confederate history, their confederate nostalgia, and zeal. Their hatred for other states like New York and California as well as their traitor, obsolete, trashy, confederate flag is an indication that their society has not truly assimilated into America.

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