N.J. woman doused baby in WD-40 before burning her alive. Told her neighbors she was burning dog sh_t.

Does look a bit psychotic. But that doesn't mean it can't be understood more. I.e., what is called psychotic may not really be all that mysterious or of physical or impenetrable psychological origin. It also looks like a whirlwind of throwing off or shirking, not unlike the woman whose house burnt down and I think children were killed when she that was a dog she wanted to get rid of with lighter fluid and set it afire. It is probably important to recognize that certain kind of mentality can lead to this kind of thing without it being psychosis, but without it being what is essentially a strange kind of insurmountabl situation for a coping human being, who well, can no longer cope or who just comes up with this kind of solution based on their criteria, limits, skills and lack thereof, etc. The problem is that if we have to pull out the psychosis idea everytime, and anything outside of psychosis is a matter of pure choice and culpability, that's basically a bad set up.

What I would like to get at is a kind of sense for the throw off tendencies of the culture in which the person lives. I'm attributing a lot to that culture, anyway almost everything, because I think that's kind of how it is. I call it throw off tenancies, that is, tendencies to throw off everything, throw up responsibilities, to throw things away, to bust out, to bust through lines and say this is too much, to be willing to carry out an ugly kind of violence like this, etc.. All those lines are maintained and supported in a way within the culture, even if this kind of situation is most extreme and goes beyond what the culture accepts. That is to say, every culture has its way of going south. This was obviously going very very so indeed. It's just not clear that it is either necessary or actress to call it psychosis. But as things stand, it kind of is, if we whant to mitigate the response to the woman, given the horrific nature of the deed. Again, that's the setup, or the layout of terms in the judicial system. That's the poverty of the system, essentially it. I have the feeling she would not succeed in an insanity defense, and probably the court would be hard on her, although I imagine in a way a lawyer could mitigate some of the response by telling a long story about her difficult upbringing and limitations. And some story about postpartum depression or psychosis. I just don't think it's really psychosis, probably. It looks more like someone who knew they were pregnant and just kept on denying and in a state of denial, and then when they gave birth, just wanted to throw it all away. The bad solution against which the practice of allowing mothers to drop off unwanted children no questions asked was developed, to deal with people in this kind of state of desperation.

Imma be honest, when I first read this story it filled me with rage. Call this a pearl licked around a core of burning rage. but it's more than that. The fact is that the failure to attribute adequately to culture, and to change culture, is really the cause of the majority of events like this.

/r/MorbidReality Thread Link - nj.com