Name puns

Here is a comprehensive list of names and the pun associated with them that Herms over at Kanzenshuu compiled.

Since the list is missing a few of the more recent names to come out, I'll give the source of the majority of those names.

2008 JSAT Special

Tarble - Based on "vegetable" like his big brother's name is, Tarble is derived from -table from vegetable, just as Vegeta is based on vegetable.

Abo - Based on the fruit avocado. Abo shares this pun source with his brother, Cado.

Cado - Based on the fruit avocado. Cado shares this pun source with his brother, Abo.

For the brothers, it should also be noted that Gotenks jokingly refers to their merged form as "Abo Cado", solidifying the source of the pun, even though the merged form's actual name is Aka.

Gure - This one isn't a certain one, because there's been no official information behind the name, but it's very likely that it's a corruption of the word grape, in reference to the shape of her head.

Battle of Gods

Beerus - Originally based on the word virus, Toriyama, upon joining up on the project, saw the character's name and mistook the pun source as being "beer", which stuck.

Whis - With Beerus's name pun being changed from virus to beer, the character's name became Whis after "whiskey"

Revival of F

Sorbet - This one's pretty obvious. Sorbet is a frozen dessert made from sweetened water and other flavoring.

Tagoma - A re-arranging of the spelling of the Japanese word for egg, tamago. This pun fits with the general appearance and shape of his head.

Shisami - A re-arranging of the word "sashimi", a Japanese dish consisting of thin strips of raw meat or fish.

Dragon Ball Super

Champa - Based on champagne, which fits the alcohol theme shared with his counterpart Beerus and attendant/teacher Whis.

/r/dbz Thread