Stephen King in front of his house in Bangor, Maine

Fuck You You piece of shit, do you even have perspective? Did you get chased off of /r/battlestations[1] ? Why are you posting this here. This isn't even a fucking battlestation, it's a fucking PC. The type of content that this sub is designed for is not some poor little suburban preschooler that had to use a different colour of fan because the new one he ordered didn't fit in his fucking case. Or some poor little fucking "gamer" that had to put his fucking SSD somewhere else in his case -- or god forbid outside the fucking case). This sub is not for people that think that their battlestation is "shitty" because they are waiting for their other fucking monitor stand to arrive in the post. This sub is not for people that have a keyboard that does not match their fucking mouse. This sub is not for people that have a laptop connected to external fucking monitors. When the fuck will people learn? If this fucking shitpost even deserves to go anywhere on the entire fucking internet, it can go to fucking /r/techsupportgore[2] or /r/techsupportmacgyver[3] . That being said, there was no reason for you to post this in fucking /r/shittybattlestations[4] . You do not have a fucking shitty battlestation. You have a fucking shitty battlestation when your fucking 20-year-old P4 is hooked up to an early 2000's widescreen CRT television sitting on fucking milk crates in your empty fucking crack house with stained fucking shag carpet. By the fucking way, I highly doubt you need a fucking watercooler. And you bought the wrong goddamn size of radiator, because you have no idea what the fuck you are doing, which is further evidenced by the fact that you could have mounted the fucking SSD in a million fucking different ways, including in the same set of bays as your fucking optical drive.

/r/OldSchoolCool Thread Link -