Is the nature of memory ever discussed here?

I would agree that's why I am more or less ignoring the witness testimonies and just looking at the hard cold facts and what they tell us. I also lean guilty but I find the witness statements somewhat unreliable. While I think Jay and Adnan are being untruthful on purpose given their direct involvement (not sure about Jen), I think most others just reported what they thought they remembered. But how our brain chooses to remember things is tricky- sometimes our memories get mixed with other memories and sometimes we actually have altogether false memories, meaning we remember something that never happened. The longer the time period between the events and the attempt to recall, the trickier it obviously gets.

Doesn't mean the witnesses aren't telling the truth but there is a very real risk of inaccuracies and I would only be comfortable believing the statements that have other corroborating evidence to back it up.

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