Ok right after the podcast sooooo many people were convinced Adnan was innocent, when did it flip? Did it flip? Thoughts ?

I don't really care anymore to become "more informed" that case is not going to have a solid answer and I don't see a point in going to some guilter information sources to "get learned".

I got as much information 4 years ago when I was still heavily into this and I don't see a point in staying up to date on the latest rehashing of the same false interpretations of something that were made 4 years ago. Reading misconstrued interpretations of facts that have no clear meaning or misrepresenting others. It's just not something I really feel like diving into anymore. But the fact that you personally do that every day, I guess good on you, you're doing the lords work by dedicating your life to this. You do what makes you happy even if it is highly disturbing how much you still care about it.

Take care!

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