Need help determining what my writing style needs before I continue.

Okay first off, you mention the awkwardness of the 'seating' and don't mention it again in the rest of the paragraph. You are doing the old 'telling vs showing', something covered quite a lot in this sub.

Also 'seating' is an odd word choice. Seating usually refers to more than one seat, like the seating in a cinema. You might like to rephrase this.

You have a great opportunity here to show us how uncomfortable he is literally and figuratively, so it's ripe for expansion.

I found I really needed more information because I honestly could not visualize how a (say 6ft plus) grown man, in full armour, would actually fit in a carriage designed for a 15 year old girl. And I am assuming she is a delicity wee creature, not an Amazonian 15 year old because I do have a friend who neared 6ft at about 15. And some of those princessly dresses and accessories I've seen could reliably take up more room than full armour.

Just refering to her (and you need to check the meaning of simple vs simplistic) dress as you do, is a little plain. If you show us exactly what you mean it helps with believability, immersed people in your story start away and will carry your reader through.

You do also need to say, 'coffee-coloured' hair, because otherwise it reads as if her hair were made of coffee.

Not everyone is as concerned with description as I am, I read very visually so it means a lot to me. So just a brief mention of hair coloru and eyes for the princess is very perfunctory. And I did wonder why you did not do the same for the armour clad fellow, but hey I understand it is from his pov.

I'm afraid I found your sentences not structured very well so they are hard to read. Information is included that seems uneccesary. For example 'born with coffee hair'. It is only relevant that she were born with it, if it is now different.

The sentence starting 'Moments ago...' covers too much info in too short a time, this could be easily separated to cover everything you want to say.

If you'd like to turn on comments on your doc, I'd be happy to elaborate.

I would suggest doing some browsing of critiques, you can sort by then in the sidebar, and checking out the advice given to others, there is a lot of good stuff there which I find invaluable and you might be able to apply to your own writing.

/r/fantasywriters Thread