Need some help, real help

what was your champion? you can play 1v2 lane pretty safely being ezreal or xayah. i would suggest not to overextend under your tower. i mean, you still can ward the closest river bush and try to track their jungler. when you are low on health, do not know where the jungler is or the wave is too big it is a lot better just to recall and let them take tower. pre6 yuumi has no kill pressure into you and after level6 and all mid game she cant really go anywhere alone. when you have mid prio or a good jungler you can let them push into you taking at least some cs, eventually they will have your tower but with midlaner or jungler not being behind they actually should not be able to keep pushing. you lost the game tho? i mean, what was twitch doing? he got some kills for midlaner or played around jungle?

/r/ADCMains Thread